Latest News
/ 9 months agoLeague affiliation for 2024-25 now open
Important notes on completing your 2023-24 affiliation to C&DJFL: Required Forms A1, A2 and the New team Questionnaire can be found...
/ 9 months agoCalling all girls teams!
Crowborough & District Junior Football League is looking to expand its Saturday Girls Development League for the 24/25 season The league...
Cup final
/ 10 months agoGet your 23-24 Cup Final eProgrammes here!
The eProgrammes for the League Cup Finals are now available to download
/ 12 months agoVolunteering opportunities
The latest grassroots football volunteering opportunities in Sussex:
/ 12 months agoNextGen Programme: The next generation football workforce
This programme has been specifically designed to provide the next generation of 14–25-year-olds in Sussex an opportunity to develop their skills,...