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Welcome to the Crowborough and District Junior Football League Website.

This site and FA Full Time (via links) provides all necessary information about the League.

The Crowborough & District Junior Football League provides football from the age of 7 up to 18 and we encourage and support boys and girls teams

Mini-soccer, 9 v 9 and 11-a-side competitions are provided.

Mini-soccer is available for under 7 up to under 10,  We offer 9 v 9 fixtures at under 11.
All of these options are played on Saturdays.

Competitive fixtures are provided for under 12 (9 v 9), 11-a-side for under 13, 14, 15, 16 & 18 on Sundays.

Mid-week fixtures are also allowed / encouraged to increase the use of facilities and ease any fixture congestion due to weather / postponements.

The league’s catchment area extends to an approximate 25 mile radius from Crowborough.

Past Honours